
4/27 Princess ADACHI Opera 足立姫プレオペラ

What is the Adachi Hime Project? The Adachi Hime Project is a significant initiative to rediscover the hidden charms of Adachi Ward, a town brimming with Japanese culture, and share them with the nation and the world. Through storytelling centered around the local legendary heroine, Adachi Hime, the project paints a new landscape for Adachi Ward. This project, which merges tradition and innovation, allows us to encounter the new charms of Adachi Ward.

Who is Adachi Hime? Adachi Hime is a beautiful princess who appears in a story from about 1220 years ago. Her tragic fate continues to be loved in Adachi Ward to this day. The Adachi Hime Project revives this legend in the modern era, conveying its culture and history.

A Grand Event on December 18th and 19th! The “Adachi Hime Event” will be held in the town of Kita-Senju on December 18th and 19th. The event is packed with cultural experiences, including special town walks, festivals at temples rented out for the occasion, delicious local food, and opera viewings at a sky theater, offering a deep dive into the culture and history of the Edo highway.

Introducing Adachi Hime Craft Beer! And as a new initiative, “Adachi Hime Craft Beer” will make its debut. This special beer is scheduled to be served at the Senbon Sakura Festival (March 23rd and 24th). It’s a great opportunity to enjoy the local flavors while reflecting on the culture and history of Adachi Ward. Please come and join us!

The Adachi Hime Project is a wonderful effort to widely communicate the culture and history of the region and unearth the new charm of Adachi Ward. With the debut of Adachi Hime Craft Beer, this is an excellent opportunity to fully enjoy the allure of Adachi Ward.


About Adachi Hime Adachi Hime is a central figure in a legend told in Musashi Province’s Adachi District about 1220 years ago. She met an unfortunate death due to a political marriage, and to mourn her, six temples were built in the area, each enshrining an image of Amitabha Buddha. Her tragic fate and its impact on the region are deeply ingrained in the history and culture of Adachi Ward.

About the Six Amitabha Pilgrimage The “Six Amitabha Pilgrimage” originates from the act of mourning Adachi Hime, where Kobo Daishi (Kukai) carved six Amitabha Buddha statues from a single tree in one night, placing each in six temples built for this purpose. This pilgrimage became extremely popular during the mid-Edo period. Although it’s called the Six Amitabha, the pilgrimage typically includes visiting eight Amitabha statues, adding two more called “leftover” and “remaining.”

About the Five-Colored Sakura The pilgrimage coincided with the cherry blossom season. The Five-Colored Sakura was cherished as “Arakawa Embankment’s Five-Colored Sakura” during the Meiji period, beloved by many. However, due to increased traffic and visitors, the vitality of the cherry trees declined, and after World War II, they were cut down for firewood, temporarily disappearing. Later, to revive “Arakawa Embankment’s Five-Colored Sakura,” a 4.4km stretch of cherry trees was planted along the left bank of the Arakawa River, featuring Satosakura (village cherry trees).




足立姫クラフトビール登場! そして、新たな試みとして「足立姫クラフトビール」が登場します。この特別なビールは、千本桜祭り(3月23日・24日)にふるまわれる予定です。地元の味わいを楽しみながら、足立区の文化や歴史に思いを馳せる絶好の機会です。是非お越しください!




足立姫について 約1220年前の武蔵国足立郡で語られる伝説の中心人物。足立姫は政略結婚によって不幸な死を遂げ、彼女を弔うために地域には六つの寺が建てられ、それぞれに阿弥陀如来が祀られました。姫の悲しい運命とその後の地域への影響は、足立区の歴史や文化に深く根ざしています。

六阿弥陀巡りについて 「六阿弥陀巡り」は、足立姫を弔い、行基菩薩が一夜の内に一本の木から六体の阿弥陀仏を刻み上げ、それを六ヶ所に建立された寺に一体ずつ安置したことに由来します。この巡礼は江戸時代中期から大流行し、六阿弥陀と称していますが、実際には木余り・木残りの2仏を加えた8阿弥陀を巡ることが一般的でした。

五色桜について 巡礼は桜の時期でした。五色桜は明治期に「荒川堤の五色桜」として親しまれ、人々に愛された桜の名所です。しかし、交通量や花見客の増加等で桜の樹勢が衰え、第二次世界大戦後は薪として伐採され、一時期姿を消しました。その後、「荒川堤の五色桜」を復活させるために、荒川左岸土手に4.4kmの桜並木が整備され、里桜が植えられました。